Testing at NET Center, is performed in accredited laboratory (ISO 17025) and according to applicable national and international standards, or by customer's wishes and specifications.
NET has delegated the authority to issue a certificate of approval for the transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR), rail (RID) and maritime transport (IMDG). Read more about NET, our accreditations and approvals.
UN-testingTests of dangerous goods packaging are performed according to ADR and UN specifications. |
Packaging testingTesting of packaging according to customer specifications and wishes. |
Tank testingTesting of stationary thoughts and septic tanks according to European and international standards. |
Pallets testingTesting of pallets is performed according to international standards. |
Fatigue testingVarious types of fatigue tests on packaging as well as other products where impact after use over time has to be documented. |
MikroskopiNET performs simple light microscopy on microtominated samples. |
Pressure testingPressure testing of tools, racks bags and similar.
Child-resistant packagingAccredited testing and sertifications of child-resistant cap after ISO 8317/2015.
Product testingTesting of descent kits, tools, waste containers for hospitals etc. |
Read more about our test methods.